


オリンピックに気をつけろ―米SANSが警告 | 日経 xTECH(クロステック)



オリンピックに気をつけろ―米SANSが警告 | 日経 xTECH(クロステック)


It’s pretty clear that Beijing’s Olympic Games are a good chance for cybercrooks to infect users using the Games as a social engineering tool.

The Games have started today, and we have just seen a new malware, Bck/PcClient.HV, that seems to be a PowerPoint about the Games, but it installs in the infected computers the files PcCortr.dll and 81.dll, that lower the system security level, enabling the file wuauct.exe copied by the malware in the system folder to remotely connect to a Chinese IP to send information about the infected computer.

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With all the attention on China these days, especially in conjunction with the Beijing 2008 Olympics Games, and with ‘China’ being one of the more popular search engine keywords at the moment, it makes sense for malware writers to focus their attention on the Chinese web – and we’ve been seeing some interesting examples of SQL injection attacks specifically targeting website designed for a Chinese audience, whether from the mainland or overseas.

News from the Lab Archive : January 2004 to September 2015
