Trend Micro Deep Security 9.6 Service Pack 1 Patch 1 Update 17 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ


Trend Micro Deep Security 9.6 Service Pack 1 Patch 1 Update 17がリリース。Windows 2000(32ビット)対応だったり、JREのアップデートだったり、

Deep Security 9.6 Service Pack 1 Patch 1 Update 17 のモジュールを公開いたしました。
■ 公開開始日
2018 年 5 月 8 日 (火)

■ 対象モジュール
Deep Security Manager
Deep Security Virtual Appliance
Linux 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Notifier
■ 追加機能/修正内容
追加機能や修正内容は付属の Readme をご覧ください。

■ 入手方法
また、以下の製品 Q&A も合わせてご参照ください。
Update プログラムとは

サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

Deep Security Manager 9.6 SP1 Patch1 Update17

2. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   This release includes the following enhancement:
   Enhancement 1: [DSSEG-2195/SEG-23903/746940]
                  The versions of Java JRE used in Deep Security Manager
                  have been upgraded to Java 8 u172.

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release does not resolve any known issues.

Deep Security Virtual Appliance 9.6 SP1 Patch1 Update17

2. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   The following enhancement is included in this release:
   Enhancement 1:[DSSEG-2125/SEG-21673]
                 When agentless real-time anti-malware scanning is
                 enabled with the "Enable network directory scan" option
                 set to "Off", the Deep Security Virtual Appliance does
                 not request any network file access events from guest

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   There are no issues fixed in this release.

Linux 版 Deep Security Agent / Relay 9.6 SP1 Patch1 Update17

2. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   The following enhancement is included in this release:
   Enhancement 1:[DSSEG-2125/SEG-21673]
                 When agentless real-time anti-malware scanning is
                 enabled with the "Enable network directory scan" option
                 set to "Off", the Deep Security Virtual Appliance does
                 not request any network file access events from guest

Windows 版 Deep Security Agent / Relay / Notifier 9.6 SP1 Patch1 Update17

2. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   The following enhancement is included in this release:
   Enhancement 1:[DSSEG-2111]
                 Deep Security Agent is now available for Windows 2000
                 (32-bit). This version of Deep Security Agent supports
                 the Firewall, Intrusion Prevention, Integrity
                 Monitoring, and Log Inspection modules.
