Kim Jong Il Malicious Spam Found | Malware Blog | Trend Micro(情報元のブックマーク数)


The death of Korean leader Kim Jong Il resulted in an outpour of reactions from many people all over the world. Some people were saddened by the loss, while some were quite jubilant, saying that Kim Jong Il was “a repressive leader”.
Cybercriminals, on the other hand, only had one reaction to the incident to take advantage of it.
Our researchers found spammed messages with email subjects mentioning the death of Kim Jong Il. The messages arrive with a .PDF attachment that has the file name brief_introduction_of_kim-jong-il.pdf.pdf. The said file is of course malicious and is detected as TROJ_PIDIEF.EGQ.

Kim Jong Il Malicious Spam Found - TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog

これとは別のスパムメールにはリッチテキスト形式のファイルが添付され、これを開くとMicrosoft Office(MS10-087)の脆弱性を突いてバックドア型の不正ファイルが作成される。同社によれば、いずれも攻撃者が感染した端末の遠隔操作を狙っていることがうかがえるという。

金正日氏死去に便乗するスパムが出現 - ITmedia エンタープライズ
