Asiajin ≫ Twitter Japan Releases Email Notification(情報元のブックマーク数)

へぇ、Twitter Japanが携帯電話経由のメールでステータスアップデートを受け付けるみたいです。へぇー

Twitter Japan is finally getting up to speed on how people communicate with their mobile phones in Japan.
Contrary to what people think, SMS does exist in Japan. It’s just not used. It never had a real chance, having been buried by e-mail, which became the standard texting communication channel between users on their keitai.
You see, SMS specifications -drafted when bandwidth constraints were high- allow for 140 bytes, that’s 140 8-bit characters for Latin languages, 160 7-bit characters for English, but only 70 16-bit characters for Japanese input, very limiting. Plus, as e-mail was becoming widely adopted, Japanese carriers never bothered looking into interoperability: you still cannot send an SMS from DoCoMo to KDDI -even if that may change, maybe even at the end of this year.

Twitter Japan Releases Email Notification – Asiajin
