Apache releases version 2.2.15 with 5 security fixes including OpenSSL issue.(情報元のブックマーク数)


Apache releases version 2.2.15 with 5 security fixes including OpenSSL issue.

InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - Apache releases version 2.2.15 with 5 security fixes including OpenSSL issue.


-Apache 2.2.14 mod_isapi Dangling Pointer Remote SYSTEM Exploit (CVE-2010-0425)
-Advisory: http://www.senseofsecurity.com.au/advisories/SOS-10-002
-pwn-isapi.cpp exploits a dangling pointer vulnerabilty in Apache 2.2.14 mod_isapi.
-Due to the nature of the vulnerability, and exploitation method, DEP should be limited to essential 
-Windows programs and services. At worst, if DEP is enabled for the Apache process, you could cause 
-a constant DoS by looping this (since apache will automatically restart) :)
-Note that the exploit code may need to be run multiple times before a shell is spawned (70%
-success rate - tested on three different systems). Furthermore, the exploit code may require 
-modification to exploit this vulnerability on different platforms. This is due to loaded memory 
-references to the unloaded DLL (they will be different for each ISAPI module). Do not test
-this code in a VM otherwise the code may fail to send the RESET packet (something to do with
-VMware gracefully closing the connection, instead of sending a RESET packet) - I didnt want
-to have to use raw packets on Windows. 
-Shellcode Note: 
-The shellcode writes "pwn-isapi" to "sos.txt" which is created in the current working directory. 
-Most operating systems should be supported by this shellcode. I've used Skylined's method of finding
-the base address of kernel32.dll for Windows 7 and modified it so that it will find the base 
-address of msvcrt.dll instead. I've also added another check so that it will be able to detect
-"msvcrt.dll" on Windows Server 2003 (this OS loads msvcrt.dll in 5th position, and before this
-DLL string is read, another DLL (RPCRT4.dll) length is verifiied which matches the length of 
-msvcrt.dll. So the added check will verify the presents of "m" before proceeding. 
-Brett Gervasoni (brettg [at] senseofsecurity.com.au)
-Copyright Sense of Security Pty Ltd 2010. 
