マルウェア感染の危険度大:Googleユーザーの半数近くがWebブラウザの脆弱性を放置 - ITmedia エンタープライズ


Webブラウザ別で見ると、最新バージョンを使っているユーザーの割合はFirefoxが最多で83.3%。以下Safariが65.3%、Operaが56.1%となり、シェア最多のInternet ExplorerIE)は47.6%にとどまった。

Googleユーザーの半数近くがWebブラウザの脆弱性を放置 - ITmedia エンタープライズ


Access to Google’s global Web server logs enabled the authors to provide the first in-depth global perspective on the state of insecurity for Web browser technologies. Understanding the nature of the threats against Web browser and their plug-in technologies is important for continued Internet usage. As more users and organizations depend upon these browser technologies to access ever more complex and distributed business applications, any threats to the underlying platform equate to a direct risk to business continuity and integrity.

By measuring the patching processes of Web browser user populations, we have been able to identify the potential global scale of Web-based malicious exploitation of browser technologies and prove how existing mechanisms such as Firefox’s auto-update can outperform more complex and less timely solutions.

Insecurity Iceberg
