Microsoft Developer Day 2014:デベロッパー向けイベント - Microsoft Events & Seminarsが2014年05月末に開催されるらしいです。(情報元のブックマーク数)

ザ・プリンス パークタワー東京


this.messages=["Be a part of the butterfly effect.","No code, no life.","God is in the details."]
var __extends = this.__extends || function (n, t)
    function r()
        this.constructor = n
    for (var i in t) {
        t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]);
    r.prototype = t.prototype;
    n.prototype = new r;
Imagine = function ()
    function n()
        this.messages = ["Be a part of the butterfly effect.", "No code, no life.", "God is in the details."];
        this.chacking = this.messages[Math.floor(Math.random()-this.messages.length)]
    return n.prototype.LOL = function ()
        return this.chacking + "<br/>";
Greeter = function (n)
    function t(t, i)
        this.element = t;
        this.theDay = i;
        this.timerToken = 0
    return __extends(t, n), t.prototype.start = function ()
        var n = this;
        this.timerToken != 0 && clearInterval(this.timerToken);
        this.timerToken = setInterval(function ()
            return n.element.innerHTML = n.LOL() + n.getRemainDays();
        }, 1e3)
    t.prototype.getRemainDays = function ()
        var n = this.theDay.getTime() - (new Date).getTime();
        if (n < 0) {
            return "Remaining 0 day!";
        var t = n % 864e5, i = Math.floor(n / 864e5), r = Math.floor(t / 36e5), u = Math.floor(t / 6e4) % 60, 
        f = Math.floor(t / 1e3) % 60 % 60;
        return "Save the date... Remaining " + i.toString() + (i < 2 ? " day " : " days ") + this.getTimeString(r) + ":" + this.getTimeString(u) + ":" + this.getTimeString(f);
    t.prototype.getTimeString = function (n)
        return (n < 10 ? "0" : "") + n.toString();
window.onload = function ()
    var n = new Greeter(document.getElementById("content"), new Date(2014, 4, 29));
    document.getElementById("build").onclick = function ()
