デフォルトのパスワード悪用が横行、ネット接続時に必ず変更を - ITmedia エンタープライズ(情報元のブックマーク数)



デフォルトのパスワード悪用が横行、ネット接続時に必ず変更を - ITmedia エンタープライズ

Systems Affected

Any system using password authentication accessible from the internet may be affected. Critical infrastructure and other important embedded systems, appliances, and devices are of particular concern.


Attackers can easily identify and access internet-connected systems that use shared default passwords. It is imperative to change default manufacturer passwords and restrict network access to critical and important systems.


What Are Default Passwords?
Factory default software configurations for embedded systems, devices, and appliances often include simple, publicly documented passwords. These systems usually do not provide a full operating system interface for user management, and the default passwords are typically identical (shared) among all systems from a vendor or within product lines. Default passwords are intended for initial testing, installation, and configuration operations, and many vendors recommend changing the default password before deploying the system in a production environment.

Risks of Default Passwords on the Internet
