New Java Zero Day Used In Exploit Kits - Security Labs(情報元のブックマーク数)

Java 7 Update10までのJDK、JavaSE、JREにZero-Dayな脆弱性が出ていて、Zero-Day攻撃で使われているそうです。


Websense Security Labs™ is following reports that a new Java zero day vulnerability is being exploited in the wild by exploit kits. Early this morning, a researcher who goes by the handle Kafeine disclosed that he has started seeing exploits of a new Java vulnerability appearing in multiple exploit kits in the wild. Following up on his post, we have confirmed that we are protecting against the landing pages of these exploit kits with Websense ACE (Advanced Classification Engine) technology.  The landing page is the first thing that loads in an exploit-kit-based attack. It's used to scan clients for vulnerabilities and send the appropriate exploits. This is one of the seven stages of an attack that you can read about here. The kits identified as using this zero day code so far are Cool Exploit Kit, Blackhole Exploit Kit, Red Kit, and Nuclear Exploit Pack.

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Any system using Oracle Java 7 (1.7, 1.7.0) including Java Platform Standard Edition 7 (Java SE 7) Java SE Development Kit (JDK 7) Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE 7) All versions of Java 7 through update 10 are affected.  Web browsers using the Java 7 plug-in are at high risk.

Oracle Java 7 Security Manager Bypass Vulnerability | US-CERT


There appears to be multiple ad networks redirecting to Blackhole sites, amplifying the mass exploitation problem. We have seen ads from legitimate sites, especially in the UK, Brazil, and Russia, redirecting to domains hosting the current Blackhole implementation delivering the Java 0day. These sites include weather sites, news sites, and of course, adult sites. A few obfuscated files are being delivered to victim systems with names like Stretch.jar, Edit.jar, UTTER-OFFEND.JAR, and more. The first appearance of the exploit's prevention in our KSN community seemed to be January 6th. But as we dig back further, we find related samples from mid-December. So, we have been preventing this 0day in particular for quite some time. At this point, it seems that the first instance of the particular 0day jar file contents ITW is 7550ce423b2981ad5d3aaa5691832aa6. Filenames for the class files remain the same until recently. It would be interesting to see an earlier instance.

Java 0day Mass Exploit Distribution | Securelist


this point, it seems that the first instance of the particular 0day jar file contents ITW is 7550ce423b2981ad5d3aaa5691832aa6. Filenames for the class files remain the same until recently.

Java 0day Mass Exploit Distribution | Securelist


米セキュリティ機関のUS-CERTは1月10日、「Java 7 Update 10」までのバージョンに未解決の深刻な脆弱性が見つかったとして、セキュリティ情報を公開した。この脆弱性を突いた攻撃も既に横行しているという。  US-CERTによると、脆弱性は「Java Management Extensions(JMX) MBean」コンポーネントに存在する。攻撃者がこの問題を悪用して細工を施したHTML文書をユーザーに閲覧させることにより、リモートから認証を受けずに任意のコードを実行できてしまう恐れがあるという。  共通脆弱性評価システムCVSSによる深刻度評価は、ベーススコアで最高値の「10.0」。この脆弱性を突くコードも既に一般に公開されている。セキュリティ企業Kaspersky LabのニュースサービスThreatpostによると、悪名高い脆弱性悪用ツールキットの「Blackhole」や「Nuclear Pack」が、この脆弱性を突いた攻撃機能を取り入れたと発表。さらに、脆弱性検証ツール「Metasploit」の作者も、この脆弱性を突くモジュールを同日中にMetasploitに追加する予定だと話しているという。

Javaに新たな「ゼロデイ」の脆弱性、既に悪用攻撃も横行 - ITmedia エンタープライズ



Java SE 7u11リリースと。

Oracleは13日(現地時間)、Java SE 7u11を公開した。Java SE 7u10で発見された深刻なゼロデイ脆弱性(CVE-2013-0422)が修正されており、OracleではすべてのJava SE 7ユーザーに対して更新を呼び掛けている( Java SE downloads、 リリースノート、 ITmediaの記事、 本家/.)。

Oracle、Java SE 7u11を公開 | スラド
