Fujitsu Launches On-Demand IaaS Public Cloud Service : Fujitsu Global(情報元のブックマーク数)


Tokyo, September 27, 2010 Fujitsu today announced the availability of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in Japan, starting October 1, 2010. This new IaaS public cloud service will enable customers to utilize servers and other ICT infrastructure across a network on an on-demand basis.

The IaaS public cloud service delivers bundled virtualized ICT infrastructure from Fujitsu's datacenters, providing resources on a metered-use billing system that is based on customer usage. For business processes such as end-of-the-month accounting and unscheduled system development, in which reliability and scalability are essential, the service allows the utilization of low-cost ICT system resources on an as-needed, when-needed basis, without the need of having to build individual ICT systems.

From the end of May to September 2010, Fujitsu offered the new IaaS public cloud service on a trial basis to 200 companies and has recently added a variety of highly-requested new features, including new configuration templates for virtualized ICT systems, network connectivity, and user community functionality. Fujitsu is now launching a commercial version of the service that delivers heightened reliability and convenience.

Fujitsu Launches On-Demand IaaS Public Cloud Service - Fujitsu Global



「基幹系のクラウド化を狙う」、富士通が信頼性にこだわった新IaaS - クラウド Watch




仮想サーバーを1時間25円で利用可能に、富士通がIaaSを正式提供 | 日経 xTECH(クロステック)
