jQuery Globalization Plugin from Microsoft - ScottGu's Blog(情報元のブックマーク数)


Last month I blogged about how Microsoft is starting to make code contributions to jQuery, and about some of the first code contributions we were working on: jQuery Templates and Data Linking support.
Today, we released a prototype of a new jQuery Globalization Plugin that enables you to add globalization support to your JavaScript applications. This plugin includes globalization information for over 350 cultures ranging from Scottish Gaelic, Frisian, Hungarian, Japanese, to Canadian English. We will be releasing this plugin to the community as open-source.
You can download our prototype for the jQuery Globalization plugin from our Github repository:
You can also download a set of samples that demonstrate some simple use-cases with it here.

ScottGu's Blog - jQuery Globalization Plugin from Microsoft


そのjQueryをグローバル対応にするプラグインマイクロソフトが公開したと、同社バイスプレジデントのScott Guthrie氏が自身のブログに「jQuery Globalization Plugin from Microsoft」というエントリで明らかにしています。

jQueryのグローバル対応プラグインで日付や通貨表示を自由に変更、マイクロソフトがリリース - Publickey
