五輪関連の検索に要注意、結果ページに不正リンク - ITmedia エンタープライズ(情報元のブックマーク数)


SANS Internet Storm Centerは2月15日、バンクーバー五輪に関連した単語の検索結果ページに不正なリンクを表示させる検索エンジンポイズニングが報告されていると伝えた。

五輪関連の検索に要注意、結果ページに不正リンク - ITmedia エンタープライズ


We have received reports about the (sadly expected by now) search engine poisoning for various Olympics related terms. For example the name of the killed Georgian luge athlete is used to redirect unsuspecting users to fake anti virus and other malicious content. The redirect is browser dependent. Firefox is usually redirected to "qooglesearch.com" (note the 'q' as first letter instead of a 'g'). It is probably advisable to watch out for DNS requests for this domain to spot possible infections. Internet explorer is redirected to a wide range of different domains which apparently are picked at random.

InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - Various Olympics Related Dangerous Google Searches
