Nmap 5.0 released(情報元のブックマーク数)


「Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) which we even used to detect machines infected with the Conficker worm.」ってことで、nmapにスクリプトエンジンが入ったので、Confickerとかに感染しているPCを検知できたりするみたい。


One of the must have tools for every person doing anything related to IT security is definitely Nmap (I mean, which other tool, besides an SSH exploit Trinity used as well (and that wasn't a fake SSH exploit like the one released couple of days ago)). The Nmap developers work hard on this latest version which includes some very cool things like the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) which we even used to detect machines infected with the Conficker worm.

InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - Nmap 5.0 released


July 16, 2009 -- Insecure.Org is pleased to announce the immediate, free availability of the Nmap Security Scanner version 5.00 from http://nmap.org/. This is the first stable release since 4.76 (last September), and the first major release since the 4.50 release in 2007. Dozens of development releases led up to this.
Considering all the changes, we consider this the most important Nmap release since 1997, and we recommend that all current users upgrade.

Nmap 5.00 Release Notes
