Aaron Rykhus - News and info on Office client apps : 'Get Started with Office Live' (add-in) window keeps popping up after first startup of Word/Excel/PowerPoint (2007)(情報元のブックマーク数)

Office系のソフトで毎回「Microsoft Office Liveを開始する」 - 教えて!goo経由)

Office Liveを入れたら、Office製品を上げるたびに「Microsoft Office Liveを開始する」が表示され続けるので、修正を探していたら見つけた。

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft に 「OfficeLive」が作成できないから保存されないのね。作成したら治ったw

WARNING : If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

1. Logged in as the user that has the problem, click on Start, clcik Run, type regedit, click OK.

2. On the left pane expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER, expand Software, select Microsoft.

3. From the Edit menu point to New and select Key.

4. Type OfficeLive and press the Enter key.

5. Close Registry Editor.

6. Start Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, you'll get the prompt, make sure 'Do not show me this message again' is checked, click Continue.

7. Close the application (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint), the registry DWORD values should be created under OfficeLive for that user.

