Microsoft HTML Workshop (情報元のブックマーク数)

Microsoft HTML WorkshopというMicrosoft製品にバッファオーバーフロー脆弱性らしい

# Microsoft HTML Workshop <= 4.74 Universal Buffer Overflow Exploit
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Discovered/Exploit by SkD (
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a continuation of my new method, shellhunting.
# The exploit is far more advanced than the Amaya's as it runs on
# every system, partly because the shellhunter itself is very much
# reliable and universal.
# The shellhunter does the following tasks to find and exec.
# shellcode:-
# 1- Searches through the whole memory of the application.
# 2- Installs a SEH handler so on access violations it won't
# stop hunting for the shellcode.
# 3- Repairs stack so a stack overflow won't occur (that is what
# happens when the SEH is called up, many PUSH instructions
# are called from the relevant modules (ntdll, etc).
# 4- Improved speed by searching through 32 bytes at a time.
# 5- Uses a certain address in memory to store a variable for the
# search.
