SecuriTeam Blogs ≫ The Security Question Vulnerability(情報元のブックマーク数)



How easy is it to break into your Gmail account? How about Yahoo! Or Windows Live?
If you provided a truthful answer to the security question during signup, it is probably quite easy to hijack your account, with just a little bit of a research.

The Security Question Vulnerability – SecuriTeam Blogs


Gmail is the only one of these three that allows you to choose your own question.
By letting you do that, Gmail asks “which question only you can answer?” I think that most people might still come up with “Who is my favorite singer”, “What is my date of birth” or “My dog’s name”.
However, that isn’t a security vulnerability encouraged by Google. If they give you the tools and you fail to use them, it’s not their fault.

The Security Question Vulnerability – SecuriTeam Blogs


So, what can we do about it?
If you can write your own question, that would be the best. If not, choose the question about the name of your first school and put your first phone number as the answer. That’s what I did!

The Security Question Vulnerability – SecuriTeam Blogs
