XSS Methods Also Seen Being Used in Mass Compromises | TrendLabs | Malware Blog - by Trend Micro


I want to shed some light again on XSS because although it has been around for a long time, it has neither become less of an attractive attack method, nor has a fool-proof solution against it has been properly formulated.

XSS vulnerabilities can cause a variety of problems for the casual web surfer. These problems range in severity from mere annoyance to complete credential compromise. Some XSS attacks incorporate disclosure of the user’s session cookies, allowing an attack perpetrator to have complete control over the victim’s session and to (in effect) take over the account & hijack the HTTP session.

XSS attacks may also include redirecting the user to some other page or website, and modifying the content of a HTTP session. Other damaging risks include the exposure of the victim’s files, and subsequently the installation of Trojans and other damaging malware and to what purpose? One can only guess because once the compromise is successful, the criminal’s next actions are open to unlimited possibility.

An XSS attacker utilizes varying methods to encode the malicious script in order to be less conspicuous to users and administrators alike. There are an unaccounted number of variations for these types of attacks, and XSS attacks can come in the form of embedded JavaScript one of the more common implementations. But be forewarned any embedded active content is also a potential source of danger, including: ActiveX (OLE), VBscript, Flash, and more.
