Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Project (Company Name) Stack overflow PoC


#       Owned Registers are ESI and EDI. Compnay name is dumped at Memory Address of : 04520020. Due to stack overflow USER32 stuck into loop (that last #       for more then 30 minutes in testing).
#	The CPU usuage becomes 100% causing the system to become unstable and can crash the OS if enduser is on low system memory. This vulnerability can
#       be exploit to cause DOS or Previledge escilation. UNICODE exploitation must be implemented in order to exploit this vulnerability. 
#	The generated Binary File is also attached which cann't display any of details of vendor information in EXE format (due to overflow).
#Debug Details:
#      This is the debug details which clearly mention the loop in which exception got stuck, causing it to occur again and again