Mimikatz – Active Directory Security



It seems like many people on both sides of the fence, Red & Blue, aren’t familiar with most of Mimikatz’s capabilities, so I put together this information on all the available commands I could find. I plan to update as I can with additional content about the most useful commands. This way both Red & Blue teams better understand the full capability and are better able to secure the enterprises they are hired to protect.
I developed this reference after speaking with a lot of people, hired to both defend and attack networks, I learned that outside of a few of the mot frequently used Mimikatz commands, not many knew about the full capability of Mimikatz. This page details as best as possible what each command is, how it works, the rights required to run it, the parameters (required & optional), as well as screenshots and additional context (where possible). There are several I haven’t delved fully into, but expect to in the near future. While I will continue to post articles to ADSecurity.org about different aspects of Mimikatz usage, I plan to keep this as updated and as comprehensive as possible.

