AVG アンチウイルス wintrust.dll を Generic32.FJU と誤検知 - 脳脂肪のパクリメモ(情報元のブックマーク数)


Only Windows XP systems were affected by the problem. Users who deleted the file from their system could not boot their computers any more. In this case, to help restore the system, boot it with the Rescue CD and take wintrust.dll from a still functioning system and copy that to C:\Windows\System32\. At least, according to AVG, the anti-virus software did not automatically delete or quarantine the wintrust.dll file, though other files will have to be moved back into place. XP 限定、PC起動できない場合はレスキューディスクで起動して C:\Windows\System32\ にコピペしろって敷居たかいよなぁ。

AVG アンチウイルス wintrust.dll を Generic32.FJU と誤検知 - 脳脂肪のパクリメモ
