ISC Diary | JBoss Worm(情報元のブックマーク数)


A worm is making the round infecting JBoss application servers. JBoss is an open source Java based application server and it is currently maintained by RedHat.
The worm exploits and older configuration problem in JBoss, which only authenticated GET and POST requests. It was possible to use other methods to execute arbitrary code without authentication. The problem has been fixed last year, but there are apparently still a number of vulnerable installs out there.
If you do run JBoss, please make sure to read the instructions posted by RedHat here:

InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - JBoss Worm


オープンソースアプリケーションサーバJBoss」の既知の脆弱性を突いて感染するワームが出回っているという。米セキュリティ機関SANS Internet Storm Centeが10月21日のブログで伝えた。


JBossの脆弱性を突くワームが流通、パッチ適用の不備狙う - ITmedia エンタープライズ
