Microsoft、手違いでセキュリティ情報を前倒し掲載 - ITmedia エンタープライズ(情報元のブックマーク数)


SANS Internet Storm Centeは9日のブログで、一時的に公開された内容を紹介した。それによると、セキュリティ情報はMicrosoftの事前通知の通りに5件あり、深刻度はいずれも「重要」レベル。このうち2件はWINSの脆弱性とDLL関連の脆弱性について、残る3件はExcel、Office、Sharepoint脆弱性について記載されている。

Microsoft、手違いでセキュリティ情報を前倒し掲載 - ITmedia エンタープライズ


Looks like Microsoft made the bulletins live that were supposed to be released this coming Tuesday. The bulletins are dated September 13th 2011. While the links below work as I type this diary, they may not work later today. Some of the related links may not have any information yet (like CVE). All bulletins appear to be live right now, and we will add them to the list below as we get to it.
This information may of course change as the final bulletins will be released on Tuesday. Some readers report that the bulletins are no longer available.

InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - Early Patch Tuesday Today: Microsoft September 2011 Patches
