Debian OpenSSL Predictable PRNG Bruteforce SSH Exploit (ruby)

OpenSSLの脆弱性突くブルートフォース攻撃発生、簡単に暗号解読の恐れ - ITmedia エンタープライズ - まっちゃだいふくの日記★とれんどふりーく★のExploitというか解析ツールが出ています。

# Debian SSH Key Tester
# L4teral <l4teral [at] gmail com>
# This tool helps to find user accounts with weak SSH keys
# that should be regenerated with an unaffected version
# of openssl.
# You will need the precalculated keys provided by HD Moore
# See
# for further information.
# Usage:
# debian_openssh_key_test.rb <host> <user> <keydir>
